When you start to access your pension, howwill you take an income? One of your options may be to withdraw a flexible incomethat suits your needs through flexi-access drawdown.
A flexible income puts you in control andmeans you can adjust how much you withdraw from your pension if you need to.However, you also need to consider what income is the “right” amount to balanceyour short- and long-term needs.
As a result, there are some factors you maywant to think about when managing pension withdrawals if you’re usingflexi-access drawdown. This guide covers seven important considerations,including:
· How long does your pension need to provide anincome?
· How could inflation affect your income needs?
· What tax could your pension withdrawals beliable for?
Downloadyour copy of “7 useful questions if you plan to take a flexibleincome from your pension” to understand some of the areas you might want to consider if you plan to useflexi-access drawdown.
If you have any questions about your pension or how to createan income in retirement, please contact us to arrange a meeting.
Please note:This guide is for general information only and does not constitute advice. Theinformation is aimed at retail clients only.